We accept negative feelings only in ourselves. We actually spend a great deal of time feeding our negative feeling, dwelling inside them, even sometimes expressing them. And when we express them, we feel fully entitled to express them. After all, we are right, are we not?

When we consider how much we love our own negativity when it flows through us, its surprising how little tolerance we have for other people’s negativity. So little tolerance that it amounts to the exact opposite of our tolerance towards ourselves.

We fundamentally deny others right to be angry or even irritated in any possible way. We feel endangered, life-threatened when somebody even just curses.

I believe that our problem with experienced outside negativity comes exclusively from our need for security, and this one is fundamental. The experience is of a deep going fear, we feel like the entire world turned against us. Fear of survival.

We have to become aware of this inequality and meet angry people with compassion. After all, they’re just like us.
