“Autists live in their own world”

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August Autist

August Autist (Photo credit: Deede Kharisma)

Well maybe we do, yet at least we live in our world, instead of merely existing.

Now, I’m not saying that Autists are extroverts who jump around in the world. We’re not. We may be introverts. Yet our passions make us more alive than most NTs. The ratio of passionate autists is certainly way larger than the ratio of deeply passionate NTs.



Autism and Happiness

5 tips for a happy future

Children in their own world, parents in the dark

Be proud if you have Asperger!

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I firmly believe that Asperger is a gift.We are creative, tolerant, naive, easily motivated, we can easily focus on a topic for month or years, very loyal to friends, are focussed on important topics like science instead of shopping mindlessly or mobbing people.

Official Asperger Pride Website

I believe if we were ruled by Aspergers, there would be no wars, instead education would be nurtured.

I don’t mind Not-Autists, I only see myself being occupied with topics of longer lasting value. I am actually frustrated how primitive most NAs are.

If you are a Non-Autist, I want you to know that you may very well comment my posts and criticize me. It’s the depth of your writing that counts for me, not whether you have a Syndrome or not.


Top ten advantages and diadvantages of being Asperger:

Some material:

Disadvantage #10 Little Dude eats the same thing, every day.

Advantage #10 Meal-planning is a snap.

signed as true. My variety of meals really sucks.


Disadvantage #2 Sometimes says insensitive or inappropriate things.

Advantage #2 These things are hilarious.

I would just say that my peers are rather limited in their ideas. I am open-minded.

Gabe Feathers McGee

poetry, stories, puffnstuff

Buckeye Psychiatry, LLC

A Psychiatrist's Insight Into Psychiatry and Current Events


I am setting out to explore, question, and conceptualize how visual art can be used as a pathway, instigator, and compliment to the process of writing.

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