Why many Aspergers love videogames

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Friends (Photo credit: L Lemos)

We need distance to feel proximity. Thus, we can feel better for people who are distant from us, and characters in videogames are distant. I have also noticed that I have better empathy for people displayed by drawings and pictures than for people in videos or close-by.

Distance and abstraction allow us to be close.

You may actually try to use instant messengers or email to communicate with Aspergers.

This article discusses how video games can help autists improve their social skills while they stay within their comfort zone.

This includes games written directly for autists:

one interactive computer program called FaceSay has been shown to improve the ability of kids with autism spectrum disorders to recognize faces, facial expressions, and emotions. Created by Symbionica LLC, the game teaches kids where to look for facial cues and helps them practice recognizing the expressions of an avatar, or virtual representation of a person.

Some experts deny the efficiency:

 experts question the effectiveness of these games and express concern that young Aspergers kids who are already socially awkward may become dependent on Internet social networking and virtual interaction and never apply the skills in real life.

Wendy Stone, a pediatrics professor at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital says:

What we would hope to see is that what these individuals are learning will help them understand social situations, feelings of others, their own motivation and will help them negotiate real life social situations. You don’t want them to just be able to interact via a computer.

The problem of distorted social interaction:

Aaron McGinley, summer camp program manager at Talisman, a North Carolina program offering summer camps and semester-length programs for kids ages 8 to 21 with learning disabilities, ADD and ADHD, Aspergers, and high-functioning autism says:

When you have anonymity, people act in a different way than when they must take personal and immediate accountability for their words and actions

I know this from myself when I’m chatting and writing in online forums. This also applies to NTs though.

Another perk of gaming is the highly-important predictability, a crucial condition for many autists.

Aaron McGinley says further:

While social conversations in real life are highly complex and unpredictable, online gamers share a common and simple language for communicating.

For example, since most online interaction occurs through typing, there is time to think about a response, and the response can be given in symbols and phrases without regard for facial expressions or nonverbal cue

The problem: inappropriate language for real life situations, still McGinley:

Online, it may be considered acceptable or even funny to make cross remarks, curse at people, or ignore someone’s effort to make contact. But if you go to basketball practice and make fun of someone’s mom, there’s no doubt you’ll get a different response.


Now we come to useful advice for parents:

When it comes to video games, moms & dads of a youngster with Aspergers are faced with a dilemma: Do you limit your youngster’s time spent doing the activities that interest him most and run the risk that he will withdraw even more, or do you allow your youngster unfettered access to video games despite the obvious social repercussions?

McGinley recommends:

to find the balance between accepting their youngster’s unique interests, and encouraging their youngster to develop social skills and additional interests that might take them outside of their comfort zone.

I could foresee this answer. I wished he could give more profound advice. Still, the article says further that:

He[McGinley] also advises moms & dads to offer incentives to their youngster to balance their time spent focused on gaming and time spent doing social activities.

How to find real help in form of specialized programs:

Fortunately, there are programs across the country tailored specifically to improving social and academic functioning in kids with learning disabilities, ADD and ADHD, Aspergers, and other autism spectrum disorders.

Talisman summer camps, for example, have helped countless kids ages 8 to 17 who have been diagnosed with special needs. With a highly structured daily schedule, a small staff-to-camper ratio, an emphasis on personal accountability, and plenty of fun and adventure, Talisman camps have been a first choice of families since 1980.

For families that need more long-term assistance for their special needs youngster, Talisman operates an academic semester-long program called Southeast Journeys for adolescents ages 13 to 17. Based out of Zirconia, N.C., Southeast Journeys offers students who may have struggled in more traditional environments the opportunity to excel academically and socially through hands-on experiential learning trips and a small group environment. Using insight-oriented individual and group discussions, students learn communication and problem-solving skills, budgeting, scheduling, healthy living, conflict resolution, and personal responsibility.

Finally, a  note of hope to conclude this article:

Helping your youngster with Aspergers achieve his full potential is a highly realistic and attainable goal. With the help of programs that specialize in working with kids with special needs, your youngster can grow and thrive not only in the virtual world, but also in the real world.

What Minecraft really lacks

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  1. Better music; as there is no storyline, and graphics are simple, music must compensate to bind players to their land on long-term. During day, Music is lousy right now.
  2. Real disasters that shape the world: Thunderstorms with massive rain, floods that wash wood,  dirt, gravel and sand away, volcano eruptions that burn everything away, earthquakes that rip deep valleys into the land, meteors that crash on the earth and largely deform it. Snowstorms in winter.
  3. A feeling for time: seasons, different kinds of weather like small clouds, medium and large clouds, bright sky, sun eclipse.
  4. More kinds of animals and larger groups of them.
  5. Seamonsters.
  6. More dangerous monsters at night. I want to be afraid!
  7. More diverse landscapes. Biomes are not enough.
  8. More reasons to explore the land and built output shelters. Some rare jungle or desert temple won’t convince me.
  9. The construction of individual boats! Minecraft is all about individual constructions. Why not also individual boats?
  10. A coal driven vehicle to explore the land more quickly.

Views from other places:

Punchwood.com says:

  • Silver, Platinum, Copper, tin, ruby, emerald, sapphire… More ores and combined smelting (Copper+Tin=Bronze, Iron+Tin=Steel)
  • I think testificates(=villagers, info by Nomi)  should do something other than just run around opening doors. For example they could harvest the wheat grown in their villages.
  • Chairs, tables and lots of other furnitures and also more weapons and new kind of pets like crocodiles!!!
  • Battle axes would be lovely. I’d also like simpler redstone mechanics.
  • Wild life
  • I think that the combat system in Minecraft can be greatly improved. Personally i believe that it lacks skill but i guess one of the selling points is that its not hard and anyone can play it.

David from davidr64’s blog says something interesting:

Minecraft gets boring.

Minecraft has a simple premise. You mine, and you craft (thus the name). It’s a sandbox world. It does have some minor elements of adventure in it, but they are just that: minor.

And for other people, the adventure part is what draws them in. The excitement of knowing that in Minecraft, the sun will set, and that throughout the carpet of blackness there are endless hordes of deviant creatures seeking to maim, pierce, shred, and destroy the player if given even the slightest opportunity is what keeps these people playing. They crave the idea that there are better and better materials to find to craft stronger weapons and armor, and they delight at the discovering a new dark, sprawling cave system.

Some updates bring in building materials, other updates bring adventuring up to par.

None of these updates has given Minecraft new life. Mojang is a small team and they are doing their best, and yes, they have achieved phenomenal success for small crew. They will grow, and Minecraft will grow with them. But for the time being, they are still only a small crew, and the best that a small crew can afford right now is to bring in these minor updates.

As far as adventuring goes… well, the adventuring in Minecraft has been very weak from the start. And this is the core reason I became bored with Minecraft and have remained bored. Wolves have brought me back into the game because they were the first real adventuring update in my eyes, and I am playing Minecraft again, but I can’t imagine wolves will keep my attention very long.

When it comes to adventuring, there always needs to be some threat. Creepers, zombies, skeletons, and spiders… these are all things that a smart player can protect himself or herself from easily. The X-System, for example, is built in such a way that no monster can threaten me when I am in or near it. The looming defensive tower lets me spot threats from afar; the X-Light 9000’s angled design makes it so nothing can block the view; the roof of the X-Fort is built with a 2-block rim so that monsters can’t jump on me as I exit the door; the whole place is well lit so that monsters can’t spawn within; and all the entrances and exits to the X-Cave are sealed. (Yes, I know spiders can climb walls now and thus the X-System is no longer 100% impregnable, but back when I stopped playing this update hadn’t been released and at that time the X-System really was a one-man fortress.)

Case in point: it’s possible to become TOO safe in Minecraft. Once the X-System became impregnable, and the X-Cave became too well-lit to spawn many monsters, and I had gained fighting skill enough to handle any foe, the danger and threat of evil faded — quickly.

Monsters became just another mob type in the field; just more animals from which to harvest resources. Resources I already had too much of anyway.

This removed, almost completely, the adventuring element of Minecraft. And this is why I say the adventuring in Minecraft was very weak from the start, and remains very weak to this day. The building aspect actually eats the adventuring aspect too quickly. You can create a completely safe base of operations out of dirt, the simplest resource.

With the adventuring aspect gone from my game, I actually left the X-System. Without adventuring to do, all that was left was to build. And I don’t like to build things unless they serve a purpose. The X-Fort and the defensive tower protect the entire X-System. The Greenhouse of Harmony goes unused, but it was built to provide food. Mining Shaft 1 is there to give me a way to collect new resources. All of my structures DO something; they’re not just for show.

Okay, so let’s summarize up to this point.

In my opinion, Minecraft, to maintain longevity, needs a healthy mining/crafting element and a healthy adventuring element.

It has a decent mining and crafting element already in place. This is up to par, but could definitely be improved.

It has a very weak adventuring element.

How to make the most out of your program

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Crysis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hello readers,

This is a list of some fundamental common sense rules you have to consider when you are new to programming. Please consider that the list below is not meant to insult you! I am not better than you, though maybe wiser. In fact, I am a relative newbie by myself and have often stumbled over these pitfalls:

  1. you over-expect and under deliver: You over-expect your own capacity. You cannot write a game in a few days. You cannot write visual games at all. It takes years to get that far. You under deliver code: You will underestimate the amount of code it really takes to get things done.
  2. what you do not implement into the code won’t be in the program: As you will under deliver, you will forget to implement tons of stuff.
  3. giving a function a cool name does not make it useful: a functions named “cool fight” does not give you a cool fight. A function called “Character Generator” won’t give you a Character Generator. Only work and knowledge will provide that.
  4. games like Crysis, the Witcher, Gothic are out of your reach: totally. You stand no chance.
  5. coding is not playing: it’s not colorful and adventurous. It has no music, no graphics, nothing but cold code. Two different world.
  6. playing a fancy game does not teach you how to program: it will only keep you from learning. An advanced programmer might be able to see through the programs actions and estimate what is going on in the code. You cannot.
  7. Your PC does not think: it has no clue what you want. It does not even care. It processes code. Period.
  8. Text-Adventures won’t work as a substitute for visual games: You won’t be satisfied if you expect graphics.
  9. Playing your own game kills all pleasant surprises: Do you remember how your favourite game always manages to surprise you? Won’t happen here. Somebody implemented all the surprises into your favourite game. You know what is happening in your own game -> no surprises

Do you know other rules? Please add them in the comments! I will add them here then.

Check out this article on 7 rules for sharpening your thinking skills:

Have a healthy level of scepticism
Scepticism is the belief that knowledge is very difficult to obtain. As an attitude, it means believing that any new idea presented to you is false until reasonable evidence is provided that it’s true.

Don’t trust new information at its face value. Instead, dissect it carefully before accepting it.

This is particularly necessary for claims that seem incredible or fail to match your experience of the world. If someone states they can teach you superhuman powers, make you rich quickly, or help you lose weight without much effort, you should be extremely sceptical. Make them present plenty of evidence to back such claims up.

Look for hard data, not assumptions, arguments and conclusions
Data is raw information about the world. It should be the starting point for any argument or conclusion. If someone tries to present an idea to you without credible, objective data to back it up, you should not accept it as truth until such data is forthcoming.

The best data is completely objective, such as “Mike is 2 meters tall”. It should not contain value judgements like “Mike is a great guy” or “Staff in that store can’t be trusted”. Data must be verifiable from more than one unrelated source before it can be considered of reliable quality.

If there’s not enough data then no conclusion can be formed
There are lots of things in the universe that we simply can’t confirm. In cases where there’s not enough data to form a conclusion, “I don’t know” is the only acceptable answer.

This is a very difficult point for many people to accept. It seems to be human nature to believe that any answer is better than no answer. Such an attitude is just plain wrong.

The question: “Is there life after death?” is a good example. People have argued over this question for thousands of years. The best minds in history have pondered it. All sorts of clever-sounding theories have been proposed – often wrapped in seductive language.

Despite all the effort, there has never been any reliable, verifiable evidence presented to support any conclusion on this point. There is simply not enough data to back an argument either way.

Of course, some people say they’re in contact with the dead, and others claim to have had near-death experiences which gave them an insight into the afterlife. But no-one has ever managed to provide convincing evidence of these phenomena.

The only acceptable answer to the sharp-minded thinker is: “There’s not enough data to form any sort of conclusion”.

Many religious and spiritual questions come under this umbrella, as do speculations about alien life and the far-future. Perhaps one day we’ll have the evidence we need to make reasonable conclusions, but so far that hasn’t happened.

Look for and verify assumptions
An assumption is data to back up an argument that isn’t explicitly stated. Any argument has assumptions, simply because we as humans are unable to know everything.

Even the conclusions presented by science have in-built assumptions that can’t be proven. Most scientific facts are verified by experiment, but no experiment is perfect. No matter how many times you test a hypothesis, you can’t test it under every condition. Sooner or later, you must assume that just because it works under a certain number of conditions, it will work under all.

Science also assumes that the future will continue to look like the past. There’s no implicit reason to believe, for example, that just because gravity has worked one way every time it’s ever been tested up to now, it will continue to do so in the future.

Before accepting any argument, you should probe its assumptions to see how credible they are.

Here’s an example of how to examine assumptions:

Fred: “One day, our machines may become so intelligent that they decide to kill us all.”
Alice: “Why would machines want to deliberately kill us?”
Fred: “And so they can rule the world without our interfering.”
Alice: “Why would machines want to rule the world. What would be their motive?”
Fred: “And so they can never be switched off.”
Alice: “Machines don’t seem to care if we switch them off today. What makes you think that will change?”

And so on.

Look for circumstances where the conclusion may be found false
If you can see cases where a particular conclusion may be right, now rack you brain to find a circumstance under which it may be wrong. If you can’t find one, you’re probably not trying hard enough.

For example, if someone says “All English people like pop music“, try to find an example of an English person who’s explicitly stated he doesn’t like pop music.

If you accept that something’s right, challenge yourself by looking for others who disagree. Give their views a fair hearing and use them to examine your own beliefs.

Make strong attempts to overcome your biases
Everyone has biases which affect their judgement. You should try to suspend yours, as much as possible, while evaluating new information. Initially approach anything new in a humble manner, recognizing that it’s impossible you could know everything and be always right. Give the information a fair hearing based on the data presented, and keep your particular world-view out of it.

Be willing to change your conclusions in the face of new data
Legendary economist John Maynard Keynes, upon being accused of inconsistency, once said: “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”

This is an admirable attitude to have. We’re all just imperfect mortals forming conclusions with only a shred of the data we really need to do so. Accept that you’ll often hold ideas and beliefs that are wrong. Be ready to change those ideas and beliefs when the world tells you that the time has come to do so.

So there they are, my rules for improving your critical thinking and sharpening up your mind skills. I hope they help you form better conclusions about the world.

Also check out this article on how to programm efficiently in C++.

Finally check out CodeHorror for the 25 worst programming mistakes:

Improper Input Validation
Ensure that your input is valid. If you’re expecting a number, it shouldn’t contain letters. Nor should the price of a new car be allowed to be a dollar. Incorrect input validation can lead to vulnerabilities when attackers can modify their inputs in unexpected ways. Many of today’s most common vulnerabilities can be eliminated, or at least reduced, with strict input validation.
Improper Encoding or Escaping of Output
Insufficient output encoding is at the root of most injection-based attacks. An attacker can modify the commands that you intend to send to other components, possibly leading to a complete compromise of your application – not to mention exposing the other components to exploits that the attacker would not be able to launch directly. When your program generates outputs to other components in the form of structured messages such as queries or requests, be sure to separate control information and metadata from the actual data.
Failure to Preserve SQL Query Structure (aka ‘SQL Injection’)
If attackers can influence the SQL that you send to your database, they can modify the queries to steal, corrupt, or otherwise change your underlying data. If you use SQL queries in security controls such as authentication, attackers could alter the logic of those queries to bypass security.
Failure to Preserve Web Page Structure (aka ‘Cross-site Scripting’)
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a result of combining the stateless nature of HTTP, the mixture of data and script in HTML, lots of data passing between web sites, diverse encoding schemes, and feature-rich web browsers. If you’re not careful, attackers can inject Javascript or other browser-executable content into a web page that your application generates. Your web page is then accessed by other users, whose browsers execute that malicious script as if it came from you — because, after all, it did come from you! Suddenly, your web site is serving code that you didn’t write. The attacker can use a variety of techniques to get the input directly into your server, or use an unwitting victim as the middle man.
Failure to Preserve OS Command Structure (aka ‘OS Command Injection’)
Your software acts as a bridge between an outsider on the network and the internals of your operating system. When you invoke another program on the operating system, and you allow untrusted inputs to be fed into the command string, you are inviting attackers into your operating system.
Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information
Information sent across a network crosses many different nodes in transit to its final destination. If your software sends sensitive, private data or authentication credentials, beware: attackers could sniff them right off the wire. All they need to do is control one node along the path to the final destination, any node within the same networks of those transit nodes, or plug into an available interface. Obfuscating traffic using schemes like Base64 and URL encoding offers no protection.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Cross-site request forgery is like accepting a package from a stranger — except the attacker tricks a user into activating a HTTP request “package” that goes to your site. The user might not even be aware that the request is being sent, but once the request gets to your server, it looks as if it came from the user — not the attacker. The attacker has masqueraded as a legitimate user and gained all the potential access that the user has. This is especially handy when the user has administrator privileges, resulting in a complete compromise of your application’s functionality.

Race Condition
A race condition involves multiple processes in which the attacker has full control over one process; the attacker exploits the process to create chaos, collisions, or errors. Data corruption and denial of service are the norm. The impact can be local or global, depending on what the race condition affects – such as state variables or security logic – and whether it occurs within multiple threads, processes, or systems.

Error Message Information Leak
Chatty error messages can disclose secrets to any attacker who misuses your software. The secrets could cover a wide range of valuable data, including personally identifiable information (PII), authentication credentials, and server configuration. They might seem like harmless secrets useful to your users and admins, such as the full installation path of your software — but even these little secrets can greatly simplify a more concerted attack.

Failure to Constrain Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer
The scourge of C applications for decades, buffer overflows have been remarkably resistant to elimination. Attack and detection techniques continue to improve, and today’s buffer overflow variants aren’t always obvious at first or even second glance. You may think that you’re completely immune to buffer overflows because you write your code in higher-level languages instead of C. But what is your favorite “safe” language’s interpreter written in? What about the native code you call? What languages are the operating system API’s written in? How about the software that runs Internet infrastructure?

External Control of Critical State Data
If you store user state data in a place where an attacker can modify it, this reduces the overhead for a successful compromise. Data could be stored in configuration files, profiles, cookies, hidden form fields, environment variables, registry keys, or other locations, all of which can be modified by an attacker. In stateless protocols such as HTTP, some form of user state information must be captured in each request, so it is exposed to an attacker out of necessity. If you perform any security-critical operations based on this data (such as stating that the user is an administrator), then you can bet that somebody will modify the data in order to trick your application.

External Control of File Name or Path
When you use an outsider’s input while constructing a filename, the resulting path could point outside of the intended directory. An attacker could combine multiple “..” or similar sequences to cause the operating system to navigate out of the restricted directory. Other file-related attacks are simplified by external control of a filename, such as symbolic link following, which causes your application to read or modify files that the attacker can’t access directly. The same applies if your program is running with raised privileges and it accepts filenames as input. Similar rules apply to URLs and allowing an outsider to specify arbitrary URLs.

Untrusted Search Path
Your software depends on you, or its environment, to provide a search path (or working path) to find critical resources like code libraries or configuration files. If the search path is under attacker control, then the attacker can modify it to point to resources of the attacker’s choosing.

Failure to Control Generation of Code (aka ‘Code Injection’)
While it’s tough to deny the sexiness of dynamically-generated code, attackers find it equally appealing. It becomes a serious vulnerability when your code is directly callable by unauthorized parties, if external inputs can affect which code gets executed, or if those inputs are fed directly into the code itself.
Download of Code Without Integrity Check
If you download code and execute it, you’re trusting that the source of that code isn’t malicious. But attackers can modify that code before it reaches you. They can hack the download site, impersonate it with DNS spoofing or cache poisoning, convince the system to redirect to a different site, or even modify the code in transit as it crosses the network. This scenario even applies to cases in which your own product downloads and installs updates.

Improper Resource Shutdown or Release
When your system resources have reached their end-of-life, you dispose of them: memory, files, cookies, data structures, sessions, communication pipes, and so on. Attackers can exploit improper shutdown to maintain control over those resources well after you thought you got rid of them. Attackers may sift through the disposted items, looking for sensitive data. They could also potentially reuse those resources.

Improper Initialization
If you don’t properly initialize your data and variables, an attacker might be able to do the initialization for you, or extract sensitive information that remains from previous sessions. If those variables are used in security-critical operations, such as making an authentication decision, they could be modified to bypass your security. This is most prevalent in obscure errors or conditions that cause your code to inadvertently skip initialization.

Incorrect Calculation
When attackers have control over inputs to numeric calculations, math errors can have security consequences. It might cause you to allocate far more resources than you intended – or far fewer. It could violate business logic (a calculation that produces a negative price), or cause denial of service (a divide-by-zero that triggers a program crash).

Improper Access Control (Authorization)
If you don’t ensure that your software’s users are only doing what they’re allowed to, then attackers will try to exploit your improper authorization and exercise that unauthorized functionality.

Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm
Grow-your-own cryptography is a welcome sight to attackers. Cryptography is hard. If brilliant mathematicians and computer scientists worldwide can’t get it right — and they’re regularly obsoleting their own techniques — then neither can you.
Hard-Coded Password
Hard-coding a secret account and password into your software is extremely convenient — for skilled reverse engineers. If the password is the same across all your software, then every customer becomes vulnerable when that password inevitably becomes known. And because it’s hard-coded, it’s a huge pain to fix.

Insecure Permission Assignment for Critical Resource
Beware critical programs, data stores, or configuration files with default world-readable permissions. While this issue might not be considered during implementation or design, it should be. Don’t require your customers to secure your software for you! Try to be secure by default, out of the box.

Use of Insufficiently Random Values
You may depend on randomness without even knowing it, such as when generating session IDs or temporary filenames. Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNG) are commonly used, but a variety of things can go wrong. Once an attacker can determine which algorithm is being used, he can guess the next random number often enough to launch a successful attack after a relatively small number of tries.

Execution with Unnecessary Privileges
Your software may need special privileges to perform certain operations; wielding those privileges longer than necessary is risky. When running with extra privileges, your application has access to resources that the application’s user can’t directly reach. Whenever you launch a separate program with elevated privileges, attackers can potentially exploit those privileges.
Client-Side Enforcement of Server-Side Security
Don’t trust the client to perform security checks on behalf of your server. Attackers can reverse engineer your client and write their own custom clients. The consequences will vary depending on what your security checks are protecting, but some of the more common targets are authentication, authorization, and input validation.

Gabe Feathers McGee

poetry, stories, puffnstuff

Buckeye Psychiatry, LLC

A Psychiatrist's Insight Into Psychiatry and Current Events


I am setting out to explore, question, and conceptualize how visual art can be used as a pathway, instigator, and compliment to the process of writing.

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